what kind of paper to use for lamp

lampblack header

Lampblack is a form of carbon.  Y'all can think of information technology equally something like very, very finely divided charcoal.  Because information technology is so incredibly fine, a minor amount covers a large area giving an intense black color.  It forms the basis of the all-time traditional black inks and has been used to many other ends from shoe polish to blackening gun sights.  Lamblack's extreme opacity and consummate resistance to fading are excellent characteristics for employ in the arts

Lampblack can be fabricated from burning oily or resinous materials, while collecting the resulting soot.  The pitch of pine trees and other conifers make skilful lamp blacks, as practise oils burned with a wick.  It has also traditionally been nerveless from the inside of oil lamp mantles (the clear glass covering over oil lamps), thus the proper name.  The play a joke on to producing information technology yourself is to fire the material in such a way that combustion is incomplete.  When combustion is complete, the carbon is fully burned, but if the flame is interrupted, or only plain inefficient, some of the carbon remains every bit soot forth with other unburned chemicals.  The rising black soot can be nerveless on a metal plate, bowl or flat rock.

Using a big and lumpy, or long, wick will usually create a lot of soot.  Some other way to create incomplete combustion is to interrupt the flame.  You may accept noticed that when an object is held in a candle flame, soot results.  When the wick is trimmed or fabricated properly and the flame is burning cleanly, the carbon volition be completely burned to up at the tip of the flame and no soot results.  The truth is that it is somewhat challenging to make wicks which practice Not soot!  The modern candle wick is an exception, not the rule.  Just for making lampblack, you want a whole LOT of soot, so make that flame equally muddy equally possible.

Flame interrupted.

Flame interrupted.  Note, the soot on the right as the flame combustion is disrupted.  Either making an inefficient wick or disrupting the flame, or both, will issue in the production of lampblack.

A skilful manner to make lamp black nether field conditions is to make a small tabular array like organisation of stones.  Pitch or pitch saturated wood from pine or other conifers is burned under the top plate and the soot brushed off with a plumage occasionally.  I accept some picture of that somewhere, but they are like that onetime kind that are on paper…  Any kind of oil lamp organisation with a plate of some kind on top will also work fine.  A tuna tin with the lid left partly attached and aptitude downwardly to grade a ramp into the oil is an easy solution.


A makeshift soot maker that I scrapped together. the ramp is made of a scrap of slate and the wick is a wad of cattail seed fluff.  The oil can be whatever ya got laying around.  This is sometime rancid sheep or goat fat that has outlived it'south usefulness for much of anything else.


Disrupting the flame with a scrap of slate.  The soot collects in a cake on the peak plate and is brushed off occasionally with a feather.  It takes quite a lot of soot to make a decent sized ink stick.  Note the soot curling effectually the plate.  Y'all tin never catch information technology all.  Nasty stuff besides, don't breathe it!  This is outdoor work.


A 60 yr old chunk of pitch from a fir tree stump.  Pitch is great for making lampblack.

Lampblack is not at all easily mixed with h2o.  In fact, information technology is remarkably hard to go the two together.  I time I was tattooing my friend Wylie's leg (I accept pictures of that somewhere as well…) with pine soot and figured out that if I spilled beer into the ink, it mixed easier.  Yay for beer!  Information technology tin be mixed with plain h2o sometimes if a very small amount of h2o is used, but it tin also be about impossible and a drop of alcohol helps suspension the surface tension.  Lamp black is much used for tattooing around the earth, being much finer than charcoal. I have two small tattoo examination spots on my leg made past slicing the pare with obsidian and rubbing stuff in.  The one with charcoal is uneven, while the one with lampblack is much cleaner.  A third made with fe oxide (carmine ochre, a mineral pigment) is long gone, having faded away completely.

Often lampblack is somewhat oily containing compounds created past the oestrus destruction of the oil or pitch that are not pure carbon.  The lampblack can be purified to an extent by re-called-for information technology in an oxygen free environs.  If put in a small sealed tin, it can be burned in a fire to clean it upwards a little.  My results calcining soot this mode have been mixed, and I'1000 unsure whether it is necessary.  Some other old book (quoted below) recommends packing into an open ended tube for re-called-for.  I'll try that next time.

Asian inks are unremarkably fabricated as a solid stick by mixing lampblack with a small amount of collagen glue made from hides, sinew or especially antler.  The stick is then rubbed upward with a lilliputian water on a special stone and the ink used immediately.  I hope to practice well-nigh all illustrations for paleotechnic'southward publications with this type of domicile made ink, and other home made art materials, from here on out.  Carbon ink works dandy with a plume quill pen (that'll take to be some other post)   What is called republic of india Ink is originally a soot based ink as well, but in liquid form.  Since I lost the last ink stick that I made (someone probably threw it out, because it looked similar a fossilized anteater turd, though it was perfectly functional), and have to brand another, yet another future post may just accept to cover ink making in detail!  For now, you know what lamblack is, and how to make information technology and yous can build from at that place.  If you but want to blacken your gun sights, or whip up some corpse paint, it'south easy to make a pocket-size amount of lamp black with a candle or clamper of pitch.  Another brick in the wall of self reliance.

asian shit

I'm certain I totally butchered some Japanese characters for persimmon here. The Inkstone is basically for rubbing up the ink with water and the stick with the writing on it at the top is the actual ink made from lampblack and hibernate, antler or bone glue. For more than on glue see these posts… #i…..#2

I'll leave yous with a couple of quotes from erstwhile books scrounged upwardly by using a google books search limited to the 19th century.

Technical Repository, Volume 11  T Cadell, 1827

Black shell-lac varnish.—Shell-lac varnish may be rendered black, past mixing with it with either ivory, or lamp-blackness. The editor has frequently used, and always preferred the latter. It should not exist used as sold in the shops, beingness then greasy, as the workmen call it, and will neither mix or dry, well. Sometimes the lamp-blackness contains particles of plaster, from the walls of the chambers in which it is made; this, of grade, should be rejected.

To prepare lamp blackness for utilise.—Press a portion of information technology into an earthen or metallic vessel, which may be fabricated red hot in the fire; for small quantities, a tobacco pipe, a slice of a gun-barrel, or whatsoever other metallic tube, will answer the purpose perfectly well. Information technology is non necessary to shut the vessel, but the powder should be well rammed in; place the whole in an open fire until it is ruby-hot throughout; this may exist known by the lamp-black ceasing to flame at the exposed parts; accept it from the fire, and allow information technology to go quite absurd before yous remove it from the vessel, otherwise it will burn into ashes. Lamp-black, thus prepared, will mix readily with h2o, will dry out well in pigment or varnish, and volition be improved in color.

To mix the color with the varnish.—Rub the lampblack upward with a little booze, spirits of turpentine, or weak varnish, taking care to get in perfectly smoothen before putting it into the cup with the varnish. To give a skillful black colour, the quantity of lamp-black must exist considerable; this, information technology is true, will lessen the brilliancy of the varnish in some degree, only a thin coat of seed-lac, will diminish this error. When only a small quantity of blackvarnish is wanted, information technology may exist made by dissolving black sealing wax in booze. Sealing wax being composed principally of shell-lac. But little rut should be employed, or the black color will exist precipitated.

Five Thousand Receipts in All the Useful and Domestic Arts : Constituting a Complete and Universal Practical Library, and Operative Cyclopaedia

A. Small, 1825

Lamp black may exist rendered mellower by making information technology with black which has been kept an hour in a country of redness in a shut Crucible. Information technology and so loses the matter which accompanies this kind of soot.;


The consumption of lamp black is very extensive in mutual painting. It serves to modify the brightness of the tones of the other colours, or to facilitate the composition of secondary colours. The oil paint applied to iron grates and railing, and the paint applied to paper snuff boxes, to those fabricated of tin plate, and to other articles with nighttime grounds, consume a very large quantity of this blackness. Not bad solidity may be given to works of this kind, by roofing them with several coatings of the fat turpentine, or gold varnish, which has been mixed with lamp black, washed in water, to dissever the foreign bodies introduced into it by the negligence of the workmen who prepare it After the varnish is applied, the articles are dried in a stove, by exposing them to a heat somewhat greater than that employed for articles of paper…"


Suspend over a lamp a funnel of tin can plate, having above it a pipe, to convey from the apartment the smoke which escapes from the lamp.  Large mushrooms, of a very black carbonaceous matter, and exceedingly light, volition be formed at the summit of the cone. This carbonaceous part is carried to such a land of division as cannot exist given to any other thing, by grinding it on a slice of porphyry. This black goes a bang-up manner in every kind of painting. It may be rendered drier by calcination in close vessels.

The funnel Ought to be united to the pipe, which conveys off the smoke; past ways of wire, because solder would be Melted past the flame of the lamp.


Source: https://paleotechnics.wordpress.com/2014/02/25/lampblack-what-it-is-and-what-its-good-for/

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