Bike Helmet Play It Again Sports

It takes brains to be rubber — Be smart and vesture a helmet!

Why are helmets so important?

For many recreational activities, wearing a helmet tin reduce the risk of a severe caput injury and even salve your life.

How does a helmet protect my caput?

During a typical fall or collision, much of the impact energy is absorbed past the helmet, rather than your caput and brain.

Does this mean that helmets prevent concussions?

No. No helmet design has been proven to prevent concussions. The materials that are used in most of today'southward helmets are engineered to absorb the loftier impact energies that can produce skull fractures and severe brain injuries. However, these materials have non been proven to counteract the energies believed to cause concussions. Beware of claims that a particular helmet can reduce or prevent concussions.

To protect against concussion injury, play smart. Learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion then that subsequently a fall or standoff, y'all can recognize the symptoms, become proper treatment, and forbid additional injury. Run into for more information.

Are all helmets the aforementioned?

No. At that place are different helmets for unlike activities. Each type of helmet is made to protect your head from the kind of impacts that typically are associated with a particular action or sport. Be sure to wear a helmet that is appropriate for the particular activeness you're involved in. (See the table in this pamphlet for guidance.) Helmets designed for other activities may not protect your head as effectively.

How can I tell which helmet is the correct one to use?

There are safety standards for most types of helmets. Bicycle and motorcycle helmets must comply with mandatory federal prophylactic standards. Helmets for many other recreational activities are subject field to voluntary safety standards. The standards for each type of helmet are shown in the table in this pamphlet.

Helmets that meet the requirements of a mandatory or voluntary safe standard are designed and tested to protect the user from receiving a skull fracture or astringent encephalon injury while wearing the helmet. For example, all wheel helmets manufactured later 1999 must encounter the U.Southward. Consumer Product Condom Commission (CPSC) bicycle helmet standard (16 C.F.R. part 1203); helmets meeting this standard provide protection confronting skull fractures and severe brain injuries when the helmet is used properly.

The protection that the appropriate helmet can provide is dependent upon achieving a proper fit and wearing it correctly; for many activities, mentum straps are specified in the standard, and they are essential for the helmet to office properly. For instance, the bike standard requires that chin straps be strong plenty to proceed the helmet on the caput and in the proper position during a fall or standoff.

Helmets that meet a detail standard will contain a special label or mark that indicates compliance with that standard (usually plant on the liner inside of the helmet, on the exterior surface, or attached to the chin strap). Don't rely solely on the helmet's proper noun or advent, or claims made on the packaging, to determine whether the helmet meets the appropriate requirements for your activity. Meet the table in this pamphlet for more information on what standards to await for on the label or mark.

Don't choose style over safety. When choosing a helmet, avoid helmets that contain nonessential elements that protrude from the helmet (due east.g., horns, Mohawks)—these may look interesting, but they may prevent the helmet'southward smooth surface from sliding later a autumn, which could pb to injury.

Don't add anything to the helmet, such as stickers, coverings, or other attachments that aren't provided with the helmet, equally such items can negatively affect the helmet'south performance.

Avert novelty and toy helmets that are fabricated only to look like the real thing; such helmets are not made to comply with any standard and can be expected to offering trivial or no protection.

Are there helmets that I can wear for more than one activity?

Yes, just only a few. For example, you can habiliment a CPSC-compliant cycle helmet while bicycling, recreational in-line skating or roller skating, or riding a kicking scooter. Await at the table in this pamphlet for other activities that may share a mutual helmet.

Are at that place any activities for which one should not wear a helmet?

Yeah. Children should non vesture a helmet when playing on playgrounds or climbing trees. If a child wears a helmet during these activities, the helmet's mentum strap can get caught on the equipment or tree branches and pose a take a chance of strangulation. The helmet may also prevent a kid's caput from moving through an opening that the body can fit through, and entrap the child by his/her head.

How can I tell if my helmet fits properly?

A helmet should be both comfortable and snug. Be certain that the helmet is worn so that it is level on your head—not tilted dorsum on the meridian of your head or pulled too depression over your forehead. Once on your head, the helmet should not motion in whatever direction, back-to-front or side-to-side. For helmets with a mentum strap, exist certain the chin strap is securely fastened and then that the helmet doesn't move or fall off during a fall or collision.

If y'all buy a helmet for a child, bring the child with you then that the helmet can be tested for a skillful fit. Advisedly examine the helmet and the accompanying instructions and safety literature.

What can I do if I have trouble plumbing fixtures the helmet?

Depending on the type of helmet, yous may have to use the cream padding that comes with the helmet, adjust the straps, adjust the air bladders, or make other adjustments specified by the manufacturer. If these adjustments practise non work, consult with the store where you bought the helmet or with the helmet manufacturer. Practice not add extra padding or parts, or make whatsoever adjustments that are not specifically outlined in the manufacturer's instructions. Exercise not wearable a helmet that does non fit correctly.

Will I demand to replace a helmet after an bear on?

That depends on the severity of the impact and whether the helmet was designed to withstand one bear on (a single-touch helmet) or more than than one impact (a multiple-affect helmet). For example, bicycle helmets are designed to protect against the affect from just a single autumn, such every bit a bicyclist'southward fall onto the pavement. The foam material in the helmet will crush to absorb the bear upon free energy during a fall or collision. The materials will not protect yous once more from an additional impact. Even if at that place are no visible signs of impairment to the helmet, you must replace information technology afterwards such an event.

Other helmets are designed to protect against multiple impacts. Two examples are football and water ice hockey helmets. These helmets are designed to withstand multiple impacts of the type associated with the respective activities. However, you may still have to supercede the helmet after 1 severe impact if the helmet has visible signs of impairment, such every bit a croaky shell or permanent paring in the trounce or liner. Consult the manufacturer's instructions or certification stickers on the helmet for guidance on when the helmet should exist replaced.

How long are helmets supposed to last?

Follow the guidance provided by the manufacturer. In the absence of such guidance, information technology may be prudent to supplant your helmet within 5–10 years of purchase, a decision that can be based, at least in part, on how much the helmet was used, how it was cared for, and where it was stored. Cracks in the shell or liner, a loose crush, marks on the liner, fading of the beat out, testify of crushed foam in the liner, worn straps, and missing pads or other parts, are all reasons to supervene upon a helmet. Regular replacement may minimize whatsoever reduced effectiveness that could event from degradation of materials over fourth dimension, and let you to take advantage of recent advances in helmet protection.

Where can I find specific information about which helmet to use?

Look at the data in columns 1−3 of the table below, and follow these piece of cake steps:

Find the activity of interest in the showtime cavalcade (one).

Read across the row to observe the appropriate helmet blazon for that action listed in the second cavalcade (2).

One time you've institute the correct helmet, await for a label or other marking stating that the helmet complies with an applicable standard listed in the third column (3).

heads upwards + helmeted = safer play!

(i) Activity

(2) Helmet Type

(3) Applicable Standard(s)

Individual Activities — Wheeled


Kick Scooter Riding

Roller and In-line Skating – Recreational


ASTM F1447, F18981; Snell B-90A, B-95, North-942; CPSC

BMX Cycling



Downhill Mount Bike Racing




Roller and In-line Skating – Aggressive/Fox



ASTM F14922; Snell N-94two

Individual Activities — Wheeled with Motor

ATV Riding

Dirt- and Mini-Wheel Riding


ROV/Adjacent/UTV Riding

Motocross or Motorbike

Snell M-2005, M-2010, CMS/CMR 20073; DOT FMVSS 218


Karting or Motorcycle

Snell K-98, 1000-2005, M-2010, CMS/CMR 20073; DOT FMVSS 218

Moped Riding, Motorized Bicyclingfour and Powered Scooter Riding4

Moped or Motorcycle

Snell Fifty-98, Grand-2005, One thousand-2010, CMS/CMR 2007iii; DOT FMVSS 218



Snell M-2005, 1000-2010, CMS/CMR 20073; DOT FMVSS 218

Personal Transport Device Riding

Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices

ASTM 2416 (or one certified to both CPSC and ASTM F1492)

Individual Activities — Non-Wheeled

Balderdash Riding

Bull Riding

ASTM 2530

Horseback Riding


ASTM F1163; Snell Due east-2001

Pole Vaulting

Pole Vaulting

ASTM F2400

Rock- and Wall-Climbing


EN 124922; Snell Due north-942

Team Sport Activitiesv

Baseball, Softball, and T-Ball

Baseball Batter's


Baseball Catcher's




NOCSAE ND002, ND0066; ASTM F717

Ice Hockey









Water Activities


Canoeing/White Water

EN 1385

Power Boating


Snell M-2005, Thousand-2010, CMS/CMR 2007three; DOT FMVSS 218

Winter Activities

Skiing, Snowboarding, and Snowfall Tubing


ASTM F2040; CSA Z263.ane; Snell RS-98, S-98



Snell K-2005, Thousand-2010, CMS/CMR 20073; DOT FMVSS 218

Although a helmet standard does not currently exist for each of the post-obit activities, until such standards are written, wearing ane of the listed types of helmets may be preferable to wearing no helmet at all.

Water ice Skating



ASTM F1447; Snell B-90A, B-95, N-942; CPSC




ASTM F14922; Snell Northward-942


ASTM F2040; Snell RS-98, Southward-98

Spelunking (caving)


EN 124922; Snell Northward-94two

The federal CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets is mandatory for those helmets indicated by CPSC.

1 A helmet that complies with this standard is designed for use past infants and toddlers in activities involving not-motorized wheeled vehicles.

2 A helmet that complies with this standard is designed to withstand more than one moderate impact, just protection is provided for only a express number of impacts. Supercede if visibly damaged (e.g., a cracked shell or crushed liner) and/or when directed past the manufacturer.

3 A helmet that complies with this standard was designed specifically for employ in children's motorsports.

4 Capable of maintained speeds of at least 20 mph and likely to have more interaction with motor vehicles than non-motorized activities. If under xx mph and used in the aforementioned manner as a wheel or kick scooter, a bicycle helmet may be appropriate.

v Team sport helmets are designed to protect against multiple head impacts typically occurring in the sport (e.g., ball, puck, or stick impacts; player contact), and, generally, can proceed to be used after such impacts. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for replacement or reconditioning.

6 A helmet that complies with this standard is designed for use by youth football players. At the time of publication of this pamphlet, this standard was withal under development.

Definitions: ASTM – ASTM International; CSA – Canadian Standards Association; DOT – Department of Transportation; EN – Euro-norm or European Standard from the European Committee for Standardization; NOCSAE – National Operating Commission on Standards in Athletic Equipment; Snell – Snell Memorial Foundation.

Publication #349   •   072014


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