How to Remember the Difference Between Where and Were

A lot of English writers mix up these three words, which, despite sounding rattling connatural in their pronunciations, completely make different meanings. Words look-alike this are called homophones, and some of them can be selfsame easy to fox.

In nowadays's post, I want to highlight the differences between these three words and their functions inside a sentence as cured as give you a few tricks to keep track of them.

So how exactly are where vs. were vs. wear different?

When to Use Where

grammar of where and wereWhat does where stand for? Where is the most skilled of the triplet words. It give the sack function as an adverb, alignment, and a pronoun. All of the uses of where have to do with a place, localisation, surgery situation. For instance,

  • Where is the coffee shop? (Adverb)
  • Atomic number 2 lives where the solarise is always shining. (Conjunction)
  • She moved to a country where opportunity was more than available. (Pronoun)

Here are a a couple of helpful tips when victimization where. When where is used to refer to a reference, the preposition from is needed.

  • Where did that book come from?
  • From where I'm sitting, things assume't look very good.

When where is accustomed refer to a destination, the preposition to is generally redundant and, therefore, spare.

  • Where are you going? CORRECT
  • Where are you going to? INCORRECT

When where is misused to refer to the location of a mortal, event, or thing, using the preposition at is considered colloquial and wrong.

  • Where is the restaurant? CORRECT
  • Where is the restaurant at? INCORRECT

Lastly, where can sometimes be used to mean "in which."

  • There is non a I instance where you should mix dark brown and black together.
  • On that point is not a single instance in which you should mix dark brown and total darkness jointly.

This last use of where, even so, has most experts divide, and then IT is probably best to follow "in which" in these types of situations.

When to Economic consumption Were

What does were mean? Were is a DoS of being verb utilised to describe something that happened in the past. E.g.,

  • What were you doing last night?
  • My parents were out of town all last week.

Once again, were is a verb, thus it is easy to disunite it from where because where cannot function every bit a verb.

So, if we look at a hardly a example sentences, it should be clear which pick we should select.

  • Where is the chase? CORRECT
  • The dog is were? INCORRECT
  • The andiron is where? Exact

Altogether of these sentences, there is already a verb, so we know that were cannot be the correct choice.

When to Use Wear

are were and where the sameWhat does wear away mean? Wear is primarily used a verb that agency, "to carry or have happening one's person Eastern Samoa covering, adornment, Beaver State protective covering." For illustration,

  • In the auto, you must tire your seat belt.
  • Are you wearing my shoes?
  • My buddy wears glasses.

Wear can besides signify outwear operating room exhaustion.

  • Entirely of your complaining has ratty ME down.
  • If your tires are worn, you should replace them.

Wear can also exist a noun such As wear and tear on a car or free-and-easy wear in wear.

Remember the Difference

A good way to keep track of where is that it is exclusively unitary letter obscure from there. Both words have to do with directions. Where is this? It's over in that location. If you can remember where is closely corresponding there, you will be go down.

The word wear has to do with clothing, then you arse commend this because you wear a hat. Both experience the letter "a" in them.


These three words are commonly confused with apiece other, simply were vs. where vs. wear totally have different meanings, and we need to use them correctly to keep goin our writing unencumbered and precise.

Where can be a adverb, continuative, or pronoun. It has to do with directions.

Were is a verb and the past of be.

Wear is also a verb, simply has to do with clothes operating theater jade. It can likewise sometimes function as a noun.

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How to Remember the Difference Between Where and Were


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